Four Corners Alliance Group
Price: $18
Monthly Newsletter subscription – $29.95 (upsell)
Digital Marketing Academy – $ Not Mentioned
Owners: David Harrison
Overall Rank: 1 star out of 5
What is it?
There is sure a reason you could have found your way to this review but all of them point to one objective. You`re wondering if you should join 4 corners alliance.
You want to know if you can make money with this MLM or maybe you just want to inform yourself if it`s worth giving a try.
Before I answer this question, there is something I want to clarify. I am in no way affiliated with the group and create objective reviews that are based on facts.
I will not specifically tell you to join or do NOT join, you can make your own informed decision after reading this review.
I can honestly say that FCAG is not a scam because it has a product or service and it pays you for your efforts.
With that being said, there are plenty of other training programs that are much better.
The 4Corners Alliance Group is a Network Marketing/MLM company that was established in 2013 and is based in Las Vegas, USA.
What does it do?
4Corners is basically intended to be set-up as a one size fits all, giving everyone the door into the “wealth creation opportunity”. The “wealth creation” is made by their MLM system through an online system.
Read more in detail post by Dan on why you`ll likely not make any money at 4 corners alliance.
PRO & CONS of Four Corners Alliance Group
All or most online programs have some positive sides so I will also let you into the good things.
- Good for networking marketing or MLM enthusiast.
- Relatively low entry fee of $18 so anyone can join.
- Dubious quality range of products that consists of digital ducts and a business educational newsletter
- Money making depends mainly on constantly recruiting new members, otherwise, the source of income will quickly collapse because of no real tangible products that can be sold consistently
- The business model is highly unsustainable due to the above reasons
Who is this PRODUCT For?
This product is for those who are uninformed and are looking for a quick buck. Good luck with that.
Maybe also suitable for the serial MLM hunter who loves nothing more than promoting the latest MLM money-making scheme, but if you`re just getting started and know nothing about MLM, this is really nothing for you.
Tools & Training
There is not so much of a tool or training here.
You will basically be given 3 types of products for “learning”.
There are
- A six-lesson set, 32 book financial education sets
- An optional Financial Education Newsletter subscription
- And lastly, their Online Marketing Academy subscription.
You actually have to pay extra to get the option 2) and 3), so basically the latter options are actually an upsell.
Let`s see the six-lesson sets in a little more detail:
Lesson 1
Book 1: The Essentials
Lesson 2
Book 2 – Become a Smart Investor
Book 3 – Millionaire Mindset
Lesson 3
Book 4 – Dealing with Credit Card Debt
Book 5 – Living Trust
Book 6 – Economics The Truth Behind The Spin
Lesson 4
Book 7 – Protect Yourself from Identity Theft
Book 9 – Debt Crisis
Lesson 5
Book 10 – Real Estate Investment
Book 11 – How To Invest in Gold and Silver
Lesson 6
Book 12 – Investment Principal
Book 13 – Time value of money
Book 14 – Real Estate Investment Trust
Book 16 – Investing For Impact
I think I have missed quite a few books here. That is what I’ve managed to get so far while doing my research.
One thing for sure, all the books are in digital form and focused on “financial education”. I do have some reservations about their products, but I elaborate on this again later.
Do They Have Any Kind of Support
Four Corners Alliance Group support comes from their IT Department in the background and their support team is available for any of your queries. That is all probably the extent of their support.
There is no mention if there is any forum for discussion among their members.
Community support is non-existent and doesn’t expect any support from the owners too. Maybe a welcome note and newsletter announcement and that’s it.
The Price for Joining Four Corners Alliance Group
Financial Education
– Set $18
Monthly Financial Education Newsletter subscription – $29.95 ( plus upsells)
Starien Digital Marketing Academy – $ Not Mentioned
My Personal View on Four Corner Alliance Group (4CAG)
An MLM Company Promoting Financial Education Products?
After I looked through at all that Four Corners Alliance Group (4CAG) has to offer, this is what I have observed.
4CAG is basically selling and promoting digital financial education products using the Network Marketing business model, otherwise also known as Multilevel Marketing (MLM).
It is a bit of a strange combination for me and like I mentioned earlier, I have reservations about their products.
Questionable Product Quality
While promoting financial education products is fine for me, my main issue is who is doing the writing and advice for the financial products promoted by 4CAG?
According to the 4CAG website, their financial advisor is Jim Yarbrough. So I assume that most, if not all the financial education materials from the company were written by him or at least received his advice or consultation.
So here is my problem.
- Who is this Jim Yarbrough anyway?
- What is his qualification as a financial advisor anyway?
I wonder what is this person qualification to become the financial advisor for this company.
A legitimate financial advisor should be at least a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and has many years of experience working in a reputable financial institution.
A brief summary of his qualification and portfolio would have been great. Has he written any financial books that bear his name before this?
This Jim guy is too mysterious of a guy to produce a range of so-called “financial education” materials.
With no proper credentials to back up his appointment as the financial advisor, I would definitely not trust any of his financial related advice.
You are Better Off Getting Your Financial Education From Other More Reliable Sources
There are basically tons of financial education products that are way better, reliable, and trusted all over, and are written by truly reputable and knowledgeable authors.
Some examples are:
- The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko
- The Truth About Money by Rick Edelman
- The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
- “The Investment Answer” by Daniel Goldie and Gordon Murray
- “The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich” by David Bach
- “You’re So Money: Live Rich, Even When You’re Not” by Farnoosh Torabi
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad: by Robert Kiyosaki
- Think & Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
The Problem with MLM
Now, don’t get me wrong here. I don’t have anything against MLM products or companies.
I knew a few friends of mine who have done pretty well themselves doing a legitimate MLM business with a stable of very good quality products.
However, the problem is many of these MLM or network marketing companies, are that most, if not all of the products promoted and sold in a network marketing/MLM company are way OVERPRICED.
Why is it so? Because overpricing is essential to the network marketing/MLM company to pay the commission/compensation to the members who sold or promote the products.
The lucrative compensation/commission plan has to be acquired from somewhere and it is usually done by way overpricing the real price of certain products.
Therefore, you are essentially buying an overpriced product to finance somebody to get rich at your expense.
Can You Really Make Money With Four Corners Alliance Group?
As in most any MLM companies, you will probably make tons of money…. If you are one of the early boys and gals getting in. Otherwise, you are just one of those spillovers fighting for crumbs.
This company was launched in March 2013, so it is not actually new…. check a post from Dave Hamrick on how people lose money to MLM in detail.
Is 4 Corners Alliance Group A Scam?
It is hard to call it a scam when this company is properly registered. Some call MLM a scam, and some say it is a pyramid scheme. I`ll let you decide.
Would I Recommend 4 Corners Alliance Group?
The answer is NO, I would not. I have my own share of experience with network marketing/MLM products and they are for the most part unsustainable ways of making money as it is the people on top and the early birds who will always be in the most advantageous position.
While the lower ones will struggle and beg friends and relatives to purchase products they don`t need.
If you`re looking for a legitimate way to make money online then check this #1 rated product.
Four Corners Alliance Group at a Glance
Four Corner Alliance Group
Owners: David Harrison
Price: $18
Monthly Newsletter subscription – $29.95 (upsell)
Digital Marketing Academy – $ Not Mentioned
Overall Rank: 1 Star out of 5
What now?
Are you really serious about learning how to make money online the right way?
No hanky-panky and trying to recruit anybody to join your latest MLM scheme.
Just pure online business that you can truly depend on and earn income online.
If yes, I highly recommend you consider taking a look at my No.1 Rated Online Marketing Training Program below.
My Final Thoughts On 4 Corners Alliance Group
Is this company any good? When I started with this 4 corners alliance group review I promised to be open and this is my opinion, it seems like it is legitimately registered.
The financial education products, however, the quality is highly questionable.
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