Home Profit System Review
Name: Home Profit System
Website: http://homeprofitsystems.org/
Price: Purportedly “free,” though not – $3.97, $139.95 & $4.95 (recurring) + upsells Owners: unknown
Overall Rank: 0 out of 100
Home Profit System Review:
This product is so bad that I’ve ranked it “zero” out of one-hundred – and for very good reasons! This product has been around and untold thousands of folks who have fallen into its grip over the years.
The Home Profit System Review, as it stands herein, serves as a warning and advice to stay clear of this devious monstrosity! Avoid at all cost!
The Good & the Bad
The Good:
There is nothing I can say about this product that has any value, therefore, except for the following point, this section is nil. –
There is a vast quantity of sharp disapproval and opposition to this scam that, for those who look for reviews on this opportunity will be, more than adequately, warned against joining.
The Bad:
Most people will fail to read the “fine print” and get ensnared by this scam. Most people will not give diligence to checking this opportunity out before purchasing.
Loaded with hype and provocative imagery that will snare the unsuspecting and unwary.
Poor response from Customer Service reported widely.
Just another Big Red Easy Button that reportedly produces no results. “Work from Home Opportunities” endorsed by five different national news organizations, however… Shown on the bottom of the website, this is extremely ambiguous!
Beware! Above “name” is not this company! Results claimed within 5 minutes. This does NOT happen in the real world! There are many, many more things that could be added to this list!
Who is Home Profit System For?
“If you understand how to surf the web with Google or ever used Facebook you are qualified.” (quote taken from the HPS website.)
My Recommendation?:
Avoid home system income, it`s not a way to make money at home and you will loose money.Click here to see my top recommended program, free to join and get started immediately
Home Profit System Tools & Training
Widely reported as scant and spurious. Hundreds of consumer complaints about this amongst a myriad of other things. Else, unknown.
Home Profit System Support
Home Profit System Price
Purportedly free to try, however, there is a small charge for information to be sent ($3.97+shipping,) after which you will be asked to pay an additional $139.95, a one-time charge for entrance into the membership, which then comes with a recurring $4.95 to remain in the membership thereafter.
It is reported that inside this membership, you will be presented increasing amounts of up-sells, which are of undisclosed pricing.
My Final Opinion of Home Profit System
I have not joined this membership, therefore, it is unknown by me, what is actually inside. However, there are hundreds of complaints and reviews, almost all of which hinge on the same issues with this opportunity.
It follows the classical methodology used by most other online scams, including “get-rich-quick” hype, misinformation and other usual schemes commonly practiced by unscrupulous marketers.
One major complaint is the so-called guarantee not being honored, and furthermore, small print in the Terms of Service and other areas indicate that, due to circumstances that occur by cause & effect from joining, most folks will be entitled to half-to-none of a refund.
There are no reports of anyone ever having been honored any refund, so far as I have seen as yet.
The sales page should raise red flags as it stands. By the time you receive the packages that comes with the membership, you will already have been billed and therefore, according to stipulations found in the Terms of Service, too late to cancel the subscription.
The company is not listed with the Better Business Bureau. However, being listed doesn’t automatically indicate a company is legitimate or not. What is found, on the other hand, are ten complaints on the BBB website alone! The complaints of issues include:
1. Problems with Product/Service (six of the complaints about this issue)
2. Billing/Collection Issues
3. Guarantee/Warranty Issues
4. Advertising/Sales Issues
5. Delivery Issues
Consumer complaints are found on all of the online complaint boards, as well as on YouTube, forums and scam alert sites.
So How does Home Income System compare to my number 1 product which is free to join and you can stay as a free member with no hidden cost.Take a look
Hi Roamy,
Thanks a lot for the review on homeprofitssystem review.
That is a lot of scam out there and this website done well to review it
There is detail to what is good and bad and then come out with a conclusion
It trully helps to understand better on how the review works
Thanks for stopping by Reyner
Wow, this is a thorough review, I’m impressed.
To me “Home Profit System” is a blatant scam that takes advantage of people’s naivete and desire for security. And besides the title doesn’t help tell what it’s really about.
I think a person who goes down this path will end up with more debt.
WA is definitely the better choice hands-down. Here we do the work (which can easily be 6-7 hours a day) in order to get the commissions and such. No gimmicks, just “working smart”
Yet another push button system exposed, good work!
I hate these scammers and their BS systems that are only there to rip hard working people off. There is nothing real about what they are offering as most people discover upon entering the members area.
It makes this an easy decision with all the complaints people have put in as well. Thanks for posting nice review. Tim
Hello Roamy , what you have here?.Such a title is not pointing to genuine products , usually.
Oh my , get rich quick , overnight , autopilot and the rest?…Why they still trying to sell products following such bad marketing behaviour?…I believe the times have changed and I can predict that most of these bad products will vanish soon.
An urgent need for quality is all around , no one needs that crap.
Nice job and exposure , only from their images I can tell that this is just another huge Scam.
Glad you stopped by, bad products will always exist,they pry upon new people who do not know people who do not look for reviews.
l have to say l was one of those people who was never looking for reviews before and l lost enough money,that`s why l decided to make this site,to help anyone looking to make money online.