Multi-level marketing
Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a strategy for marketing where you are compensated for the sales you generate including those of the people you have recruited. There can be multiple levels when it comes to MLM but the people who gain the most are those at the top.
There can be multiple levels when it comes to MLM but the people who gain the most are those at the top.
MLM is growing in popularity and you may have been convinced to join at one point of the other or you are already a member.
The MLM promoters usually convince you that it is the next big thing that is going to replace all the major forms of sales and marketing. There are many people who think that MLM is a way to earn consistent cash flow but that is not true.Let me explain below
Why Multi-level marketing will not earn you much money
Joining most MLMs is not free. You have to pay a stipulated amount of fees which you are told you will regain twice or three times more.
However, that is not where they end with taking your money. If you fail to meet a certain quota, you are not getting paid and in most MLMs, you have to pay monthly membership fees.
This leaves you wondering if this so called online money making opportunity is meant for you to benefit or for people higher up to benefit from you.
If you are the one at the top of the MLM scheme, you probably know that finding people who will stay with you to the end is almost impossible.
If you are at the bottom, your proceeds will mostly benefit those at the top leaving you with nothing.
No matter how many product promotions you make, if you are at the bottom, your proceeds will mostly benefit those at the top leaving you with nothing. Most people will join with high hopes but once they discover what MLM is all about, they will surely bail out.
Most people will join with high hopes but once they discover what MLM is all about, they will surely bail out.
When looking for people to join you in MLM, you are under so much pressure to sell, the first people you will approach are family, friends, and colleagues.
Most of them will join to stop you pestering them because by this time you will still be convinced what a great product you are selling and your upline keep pushing you to invite new members.but end up losing money and faith in the idea of making money online and the only person they will have to blame is you.
Friends and family end up losing money and faith in the idea of making money online and the only person they will have to blame is you.
If you want to make money online by referring people, you should consider trying affiliate marketing.Below l will explain why.
Join # 1 affiliate program where l make money
My Favorite Real Home Based Business Opportunities: Affiliate marketing
There are three key contributors in affiliate marketing. They include the advertiser who is the company selling products and ready to pay other people to help them sell and promote their business.
The publisher is an individual or company that promotes the advertisers products and services in exchange for a commission.
The consumer who sees the advertisement and takes the initiative to click the link that will take him or her to the publishers website and to complete the process. If you are looking to make money, you need to become an affiliate marketer.
The best thing about affiliate marketing is that you do not have to sell products all the time to make money.
Some of the payment terms used by affiliate programs include pay per sale whereby the merchant pays you a percentage of the sale price as soon as the payment is completed, pay per click.Read more on pay per click at pays you depending on the number of visitors that you have redirected to the merchant’s site from your affiliate site.
Whether or not a sale is involved and the third is pay per lead whereby you are paid when the customers you referred provide their contact information on the target by filling out their contact form or performed what the site requires.
Click here to get started with affiliate marketing
Reasons Why You Should Be An Affiliate Marketer
Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest growing methods for making money online. One of the reasons why you should be an affiliate marketer is joining affiliate programs is not only free to join but also cost effective as you are selling ready made products.
You do not need a physical location to set up your business because you can do everything from your computer. Affiliate marketing gives you the opportunity to reach people all over the world.
There is no need for storage, shipping or customer support because the seller caters for these things your work really is to drive targeted traffic to the products you are selling.
Finally, you do not have to stay seated on your computer all day to make money with affiliate marketing because the income flow is steady once you have already set up everything.
Affiliate marketing is very promising if you research the demand of a particular product before choosing it.
You should also use numerous traffic sources to promote the chosen products and finally ensure that you stay up to date with new techniques and methods in the very competitive affiliate marketing field.
Success in affiliate marketing starts with your own website, create one for free using site Rubix
Sources :
Thanks for the informative post, I have been approached by many MLM companies and have almost decided to join a few. The reasons I didn’t were exactly as you described. It sounds all great, but its very hard to find people to stick with it. I think your info on MLM is spot on!
I have some experience in affiliate marketing online, and can honestly say its much more fun because you get to choose your topic and industry.
My question to you would be what are some good sources for finding good affiliate companies to promote?
Again thanks for the info and inspiration, great post!
Thanks for stopping by,In my opinion an affiliate should choose companies with high commissions and maybe recurring commisions,programs like Amazon I feel are too hard for affiliates to be totally free because you have to keep promoting to make sales while with recurring commissions, you only have to sell a product once and earn as long as that person keep the product.
Here`s a good example, I joined a program 3 years ago, at $49 a month it`s not cheap,the person who managed to sell me the program are still earning commissions 3 years on.
Wish you the best in your affiliate marketing.