Here’s a list of online resources and websites where you’ll find free image stock sites photos for your blog, social media posts, or any way you wish.Finding a high-quality stock photo for free used to be quite a chore.If you`ve been online for a while, then you surely remember those blurry, poor-quality images.That`s now history as there are now several sites with free images that you can copy and distribute without any credit.The internet is full of images suited for your blog, website, or projects, which are just a click away. Google images search will bring every possible picture relevant to your search.Stock photography stores the images that are licensed for specific usages, like for personal or commercial use. There are copyright issues if we do not use royalty-free images for our websites. However, some generous photographers have put high-quality photos on websites termed as
free image stock sites.
Those images can be used without any hassle of copyright issues.
Google has a refined option for the images to be used for free. The pictures with a watermark are a sign that they are licensed and cannot be used without buying.
Before using any image on Google, understand that some of these images are contributed with amateur photographers.
These photographs might not have followed rules protecting model release photo agreement, that’s why you need to choose your images wisely.
To overcome the issues of copyright and privately owned images, here is an authentic list of websites that provide free image stocks.
How To Find A free Image Of Your Choice
Finding and downloading images from Pixabay or any other stock image sites is simple and the same.
- Go to the site of your choice
- Type in what you`re looking for(example)flower and press enter
- Now Pixabay(We`ll use Pixabay for this example)will show you all images of flowers
- Pixabay will show you images of what you entered in the search.
Once you find an image you want, left-click, and download. Save the image and name it to avoid confusion in case you already have a bunch of images.
As this post is about free image stock sites, I`ll not go into the tiny details, you can surely find detailed tutorials online on how to adjust and download and insert images on your blog.
Below are ten sites for free stock images that have Creative Commons Zero License.
This website has a vast collection of high-quality images with high resolution that are royalty-free.
The search process is lucid and customized, where finding specific photos from the pool of stock images is available.
To get the most loved images by users, the site tracks the views and downloads.
The attractive feature is that no attribution is required to use the added pictures continuously.
Pexels adds new high-quality images to its free stock photos collection every day.
The website is full of free high-quality image stocks that can be used for commercial purposes.
These pictures are licensed under the creative commons zero (CCO). The images are royalty-free, and no attributions required.
A vast database of high-quality handpicked free images is found on Reshot.
The images can be used for startups as no attribution required for using it commercially.
It is a library of images, vector graphics, illustrations, film footage, and videos from millions of public domain images.
The choice of resolution of the image to be downloaded is available. Also, a free account on the website will make it much easier when it comes to extracting or downloading the image.
It is advised to go for a safe search box to avoid any ambiguity. The site has one million users satiating their search for better images for free. Pixabay is also mentioned at an earlier post here.
This is the ultimate source to obtain incredible free images for many uses. Though the database is now loaded with a very huge number of images, the consistent and best quality is what you find here.
The search option is optimized and quick. They have an IOS app also for iPad and iPhones. As a backlink, mention of picture courtesy is expected by users.
A fantastic photographer, web and graphic designer Karolina Grabowska is credited for this impressive collection of free images.
The images are ideal to be used by travel bloggers, business people, or other creative bloggers.
The website is full of free stock images for commercial and business uses.
It is rated by some as one of the world’s leading free stock image sites. The title of how it works on the website is the guide to fetch the desired image.
Ray Mcguire has come up with the idea of brighter motivation in life through its stimulating creative photography.
The collection mesmerizes the viewer anticipating for the latest. The idiosyncratic free images are promised to be unique.
Images used by websites of CNN and Huffington Post officially announce to use the courtesy image from this leading free stock image site.
The unbeatable album of high pixel images has no copyright restrictions.
The popularity of the website is attributed to the fact that nearly 2 million downloads are the score.
This artwork is the brainchild of its CEO, Daniel Nanescu.
Most of the images on the website are free to be used for both personal and commercial purposes.
The high-resolution photos on niches like fashion, abstract, nature, and technology, to name a few.
The one-point solution to extract chic images of female content is the website of Styled Stock.
With the increase in business opportunities in the beauty, health, and specific feminine stuff, bloggers and female entrepreneur are in dire need of content particular of pictures.
The website holds the copyright, but no attributions are needed. These pics are free to use with a mention of picture courtesy.
Creative Market
Creative Market is the odd one out in this group, it is not only for stock photos but offers much more.If you sign up with the creative market, they’ll send you weekly stock photos, that`s still not the reason I included it here. They also have free graphics and free fonts. Remember the fancy fonts you see on other blogs but can`t figure out how to create the same? then sign up to
Stock Photos Sites For Female Bloggers
Female bloggers do prefer somehow different images, minimal, vibrant, bold colors, white backgrounds. There are times I`ll land on a website and know immediately this is a lady blogger.For this reason, if you`re a lady blogger and struggle to find stock images on the list above, you may want to check these sites.Now note that some of these sites may require you to give your email(opt-in)so if you`re not willing to be on a list and keep getting those sales emails then you know what to do.
As a blogger, you want images that grab your readers’ attention. The issue you may have after a while is seeing the same stock images and photos on other sites, as explained here and why you should have unique images.If you want attention-grabbing photos then is the place to go.
Conclusion On Free Image Stock Sites
free image stock sites provide images that can be copied, modified, or distributed for both commercial and personal use.
Even if one is armed with a specific vision for its project, vlog thumbnail, blog, or website.
The free images add spice to the concerned category when used with appropriate content.
Explore these free image sites that will help you to make your blog more appealing and realistic.
Don’t forget to drop a comment below and tell us what you think, any free images site I did not mention? anything I should have included? leave me a message.
Hello there! Thank you for this informative post! While creating my blog site, sometimes I am limited in my ability to find the specific pictures that I want. I currently use Pixabay and Pexels but wasn’t sure what other sources there are. But, you included many other sources here that I have not heard of yet and will definitely be checking out. Although I am a guy, I do like vibrant, colorful pictures. I feel like they capture the attention of the audience of all genders. Thanks for this post!
Thanks Mike, we learn from a young age that eye candy is ok, same goes for a website, people don`t want to look through a sea of words and images help break this down nicely.
Stock images are a real lifesaver to most of us especially if you`re just getting started as it`s impossible to buy all images.
Some images cost just cents, but if you consider buying 100 images, then it`s no longer just cents but real money that`s why I do encourage people to try and find free stock images.
Awesome! now I can use free image to my blog.
Thanks, buying images can prove to be expensive, although most images are relatively cheap, the amount adds up fast so it`s great to have a chance to mix up free and paid images.