Have you at one time thought how to start an online business for free? are you tired of your job, working and making someone rich and your dreams remain unfulfilled?The good news is that it`s possible to get started, get your website up and running without spending a cent.
People who come here to learn how to set up their own home-based business usually fall into one of two categories:
- Those who are looking to earn a part-time income only (perhaps to supplement household income)
- Those who want to quit their job and earn money full time
Which one of those do you fall in to?
The good news is that whichever one is most relevant for you, each is possible to achieve with an online business.But as with most things in life, you’ll only get out what you put in. You will have to work hard to get your business up from the ground.
Don’t expect cash to magically appear in your bank account without any effort as it won’t happen. and if anyone tells you it`s possible to make money online without putting in the work, it`s a lie. Well, in the beginning, you have to put in the work.
There are hundreds of dodgy products available today that will promise you instant riches, or cash on demand or cash without effort. If you have worked it out already – none of them work. I`ve been there, I know for a fact they do not work.If they did, we would all be rich.
I can’t stress enough that what I`m suggesting is a no scam no fluff, this is a real business opportunity. It works. Many people earn full-time money from it. But you need to learn what to do, apply it to your business and keep working at it. Read my review here if you missed it.
So what can you make in a typical month?
It’s really about momentum and the work you can put in. It takes time and effort to get the ball rolling, but as your knowledge, experience and skills develop you’ll get quicker and better at doing what you need to do.
So start now and create your free account
As well as earning commissions from sales there are other ways of earning money from your website. Here are some of the more popular ones:
- Google Adsense
- Selling advertising space on your site
- Selling affiliate products
Google Adsense is an advertising product that online retailers can use to promote their businesses through other people’s websites. On this page, you should be able to see an advert running on the right-hand menu bar, and sometimes banners in some posts, that’s a Google Adsense advertisement.
Google displays an advert from one of it’s registered businesses and if someone clicks on the advert and interacts with that business I get paid! Check Google alternatives should google not approve your application.
Advertising space
If you build up a website that becomes an authority on the topic of your choice, you will be able to sell advertising space to online businesses.
Businesses selling products in the industry that you are covering will want to get their goods and offers in front of your highly relevant website visitors.
Resale value
A website that is earning commissions on a regular basis has a resale value and often we’re talking multiples of $1,000’s. Obviously, the higher the commissions earned, the more traffic your site has, the higher the resale value.Check this post on selling domain names for profit.
The journey to your financial success is a path you must take a step at a time. But the sooner you start walking, the sooner you’ll get to where you want to be.
Set Up Your Free Account
You’re here to learn how you can make some money from home,?
Well, I’ve some great news for you.. you’ve found the right place! I can show you what I do, how it works and most importantly how you can do it for yourself.
Shall we start?
The internet is a large marketplace.
The internet just keeps on growing. Today, in 2017, there are over 2 billion people around the World who use the internet for work, leisure and business. That’s a lot of people.
By using a computer and creating a web page, we all have the opportunity of connecting with and talking to every one of those internet users.
That’s a massive opportunity.. just think of the size of that marketplace.
What if we could help some of those internet users and as a result of our help, we were paid some money?
Not a massive sum of money for each person, but a sum all the same.How many people would we need to reach in order to create a full-time income?
How we help internet users and how we get paid
Everyday loads (remember 2 billion plus) people use the internet to find things. A lot of that traffic is people looking to buy things from companies. In fact, according to e-marketer.com the total value of internet sales in 2014 came to a whopping $22.492 Trillion (and in case you’re wondering a trillion looks like....... I`m not even sure how many zeros in the end).
I don’t know about you but I struggle to get my head around just how big that is, but what we must remember is that for us to create a full-time income, we only need a tiny slice of that marketplace. In fact, to be really successful we only need a tiny slice of that pie.
So how do we get some of this action?
We put buyers in touch with sellers – it’s as simple as that, it’s as old as the hills and a job people have been doing for centuries. The difference today is that with the growth of the internet you can easily work in this environment from the comfort of your own home.
No longer do many salespeople go door to door, it’s mostly done on the internet and each time we introduce a buyer to a seller the selling company pays us a small commission, which is normally worked out as a percentage of the sales value.
So for example, if we introduced a customer to a cycle business and the buyer bought a $500 TV, we could receive a 4% commission on the sale, Now imagine selling several of these per month plus other items.
OK, so how do I actually introduce the buyer to the seller?
First of all, you need a topic or interest for your business to be based around. So, as in the example above, if you’re into home entertainment then you could use that as a topic.
Absolutely any product/industry can be the basis of your business, but I find it helps if you pick something you like or enjoy it’s just more fun that way. Are you passionate about gardening? share your passion and earn money when someone makes a purchase from what you promote.
Second, you need a website and we always use WordPress.
If you’ve never met WordPress before, don’t worry it’s as easy as typing on a keyboard. These days you don’t have to know anything about HTML code or any type of web builder software in order to build a great looking site. Seriously, don’t worry it really is easy.Click here to check out WordPress.
Thirdly you need to create content for your site. Your content is the meat of your business and the pages and posts that you create will be the way that you help internet users find what they want.
Again no need to worry if you`ve never written content before, writing content is just like talking to someone.
Still worried about writing content?There are many freelance sites out there that for a price will write you award-winning content.check out some content writing sites here.
As an example, you could write some product reviews.
Sticking with the cosmetic theme, you could review a number of facial products and then make a recommendation of the product you thought was the best. An internet user looking for a beauty product review would read your review and take up your recommendation.
Fourthly we get paid! Your internet user doesn’t just read your review and then go away. You provide links to a sellers website where they can actually buy the product.
There’s a special piece of code in the link that lets the seller know that it was you that referred the customer and that way they know they need to pay you your commission.
Internet Buyer → Your Website → Internet Seller
So that’s the theory, how do I actually do this in practice?
That’s where our great community at Wealthy Affiliate come in. The Wealthy Affiliate training platform has been around for over 10 years and has grown to well over 800,000 members. It provides all the training that you need to build websites for profit as well as all of the tools you need for hosting, promoting and so on. It’s a real one stop shop for internet entrepreneurs. From beginner just getting started to experienced internet marketers.
We all started with the Wealthy Affiliate Free 10 Part Course and I totally recommend that’s what you do too. This course is a great introduction into how everything works and it’s practical hands-on training – by the end of lesson 10, you’ll have a functioning website up on the internet for free!
You’ll also get to meet the great people who make up the community. We’re all building our businesses and learning and earning as we go, so if you ever get stuck with something, somebody will be able to help you out.
I should point out that the free course as well as being completely free, only needs a valid email address in order to access it. You can set up a brand new email if you want and if you don’t like the course, Wealthy Affiliate or the idea then you can simply leave with no problems or hassles.
This really is an opportunity to learn how to build an online business and create an income for yourself.
There are no gimmicks, no hard sell, all you’ll find is 100% of the information you need to succeed and a great community of people who will help you along the way.
I hope this post helped you understand more how you can enjoy a piece of the internet, how you can use the internet to make an income.If you have any questions, leave me a message in the comments box below.If you know anyone who can benefit from this post, share it with them on social media.
Lovely tips for someone getting started. It does not need to be overwhelming or expensive.
True, getting started online is so easy, I think most people getting started feel overwhelmed and confused because they may not have help.
Great tips! With so many free Internet resources now it’s easier than ever to start a new blog…. but as you say, you have to work hard first.
Thanks for stopping by,when I wanted to start a blog some 15 years ago, one had to know HTML and I was terrifid, I knew I`m not tech savvy, thanks to WordPress and the rest, today even little me can create a blog.