I`m sure you landed here because you want to get started in affiliate marketing but unsure if you need a website or not. This post will answer that simple question, can you benefit from affiliate marketing without a website?
Now if I told you the answer is yes, I might not be totally honest because if it were that easy, I will not have this blog you`re reading right now, then I will be doing my affiliate marketing without a website.
While it is always your best bet to have a personal website to sell affiliate marketing products through, it is not needed in order to succeed.
There are several very common methods of marketing that will still put your message in front of a world of customers.
Yes, you can profit from affiliate marketing without a website.
You might make pocket change here and there selling products on other platforms.
If you`re interested in how to make money with affiliate marketing without a website, maybe it`s because you`re not yet serious about blogging, or unsure if you need a website in the first place.
But if you are serious, your own website is advisable.
Below we`ll look at ways you can promote affiliate products without a website. Then we`ll also look at ways you can create a free website.
How To Promote Affiliate Products Without A Website
Email Marketing
The most common form of affiliate marketing is through commercial email.
There are many ways to develop double-opt-in email lists as you will not want to “spam” potential customers with unsolicited advertising emails.
You can, for example, enter an ebook or software product to an online Giveaway event to build a mailing list without needing your own website.
Coupled with an account with a professional autoresponder company, you will have a powerful advertising tool.
Remember to keep your email messages brief and friendly with the hyperlink to your affiliate product’s webpage included.
You should take every legitimate opportunity to build onto your mailing list.
Some standard venues for finding new people to invite to join your list are social networking sites like Facebook or MySpace.
Forums dedicated to your specific niche allow you to make direct contact with like-minded people.
Proving your knowledge of your topic on these websites helps build your credibility as a source for your affiliate products.
It also allows you to ask questions of your own if you need extra knowledge. Again, all this is done without having a personal website.
Articles Directories 
Writing articles for the article directories is another popular method of advertising your affiliate marketing product links.
The secret to using articles is to put together good information, writing good quality articles for potential readers.
Check here to read more about writing high-quality articles that people read.
You will add the hyperlink to your affiliate product page in the resource box at the end of the article.
Many directories allow other websites to republish these articles which adds to the links leading to your product.
This is why you should write interesting and helpful product descriptions and reviews.
Read my earlier article on writing a good product review. You can`t submit the same article to many article directories.
Even if you are not a good writer, you can find ghostwriters in forums and freelance sites who can do the article for you for a very affordable rate.
Freelance sites like Upwork or iWriter offer any and all kinds of writing and are not limited to only English, you can find Spanish, German and French writers.
These sites have talented writers who`ll make your task a breeze. Communicate openly and let your freelancer know exactly what you need.
You can also add to your reputation and expertise in your niche by putting together an informational ebook.
The Portable Document File (PDF) format is the most effective for ebooks.
The free program Open Office creates excellent PDF ebooks. Again, you will do a search for ebook directories.
Any interested potential customer can then download your ebook. Your affiliate products page links will be built into the copy in your free ebook.
Most companies that run affiliate marketing for their products also provide pre-made promotional material.
These are usually the HTML code for banners, text links, or landing pages.
All that is required is to post the HTML code for the advertisement to your product’s web page included. These can be used on classified advertising sites and traffic exchanges.
Once more you have a wide range of locations for your product’s advertising to be shown to prospective buyers.
You still have not had to bother with learning to build and maintain a personal website.
If Affiliate Marketing without A Website Is Easy Why Do You Need One?
Building your own website does have advantages in how you can customize and display your affiliate products but it is by no means necessary.
By studying and focusing on these methods of affiliate marketing without a website you can build every bit as a successful online business as anyone.
You can spend a greater amount of time increasing your business through links without having to learn how to build and operate a website of your own.
But having said that, building a website is so easy and can be done in less than 5 minutes using a site Rubix website.
Create your first website here free
Your website gives you a chance to do what you like without limitations.
Just enter the name of your website below and you are ready to go
OK, so we now see that having a website is not really essential when entering into affiliate marketing unless of course, the program owner requires you to have one.
However, while this is the case, it is still recommended that you have a website, if not now, then perhaps at a later time.
Further, we will have to see how you can set up a good website easily and hassle-free with the help of experts in the field.
Having your own website creates many advantages in affiliate marketing.
For one, it provides you with a place where you can be creative with your promotions, not only with one of your affiliate products but with all of your affiliate products.
Owning a website enables you to advertise your affiliate products to a wider market.
What worries me most in promoting products without a website is that should the vendor close, you`ll be left hanging.
But with your own website/blog, all you have to do is find other vendors and products.
Selling affiliate products without a website is limiting too, on your website, you can promote many products in one go while without a website, you`ll have to promote items individually.
But, if you`re not ready to start your own blog, the minimum you can do is start by joining programs that accept affiliates without a blog.
Thanks for stopping by, let me know if you have any questions or if there is any way I can help. Just leave me a message below and I will get back to you.
As said you do not need a website, but most affiliate marketing platforms will not accept your affiliate application if you do not have a website.
Not having a website limits your income potential, with your own website you can create more income streams than being limited to affiliate marketing.
This is real estate, the more you work on your website, the more it appreciates. But, you can still promote affiliate products without a website.
I loved the article. Really having your own structure brings us more security.
I chose to set up the website.
Congratulations on the content. Success
thanks Lilian, im glad to know you find the post useful, you can check our other posts as I`m sure you`ll find a lot of value.
Now, people may start affiliate marketing without creating a website, but anyone serious about making money online with affiliate marketing needs their own website as it`s the only place where you have full control.
I loved the content. Thank you for sharing, I had thought od starting a blog but did not want to make any investment, it`s great to know I can start a blog totally free and move on to paid options once I feel ready.
Thanks Rani, starting a blog is easy and with sites like wix or siteRubix letting you have a free domain, there is nothing stopping you from creating your very own first blog.
Thanks Rani, starting a blog is easy and with sites like wix or siteRubix letting you have a free domain, there is nothing stopping you from creating your very own first blog.
Super interesting… I have a website, so I’m not super worried about it, but obviously this would work for anyone without one. Thanks for sharing!
Glad you found the site interesting and useful. To me personally,I`d not try affiliate marketing without a website, it will just not be the same, I want to be in control of what I promote.
After reading your article, I strongly agree that someone can do affiliate marketing without website, but it is better to have it at all.
Nowadays, you can set up your website easily, even without any IT background. It only takes less than 30 mins to complete it.
Once you have it, you can put all your products together and market it at once, so why not do so?
Thanks for your great comment.
Thanks Nico
I agree that today anyone can build a website, im a good example, I do not have any HTML and all the computer language experience but I built my website from the ground.
Having said that,you need to learn how to do it the right way,there is building a website then there is building a professionally looking website.