Jobs for high school students usually suck. They tend to be part-time, low pay, and terrible hours. That is why I have a better offer for any high school student looking for work.
I worked some of the worst jobs when I was in high school trying to make pocket money, but you do not have to. (but that was back then, we didn’t have internet back then, now this makes me feel old, internet has been around like forever).
You can do something you love and enjoy after school or on the weekends.
This is something for you to enjoy and make money from in your free time. Jobs usually are not fun, but this is going to be a lot of fun.
There is only one job every high school should have, that is working online doing something you love.Let me show you the best job for a high school student.
What you will be doing
Working a job should be fun, especially when you are in high school and have higher priorities. That is why this is the best job you will ever have.
This is a 4 step process of how you will be making money. Nothing complicated and you don`t have to be anyone special to do this.
- Choose your interest or passion.
- Build a website.
- Generate traffic to your website.
- Earn revenue from your visitors.
Being in high school, every paper you do is on the computer. If you understand how to use Google for research, then there is no reason you cannot do what I`m going to show you and make money.
Working on something online that you love blows away those boring school papers. It is very simple to build a website, the hardest part is getting traffic to your website but you will learn how to do this.
I`ll not be joking if I told you you can build a website in less than 5 minutesInfact this is prebuilt so all you have to do is choose a domain name and you`re ready to roll.
Choosing your interest and building a website
Wouldn’t finding a job that is your interest or hobby be perfect? Well, this is exactly what you can do with this. You choose something that you already love. This can be anything you want.
Love video games? you can then create a site about video games,love your trips to the beach, create a website about it.Generally said, your website can be about ANYTHING.
There are people searching for what you love right now. Build a website based on that interest and you can make money.
Start by choosing something you love.
Building a website is not hard anymore. If you can search and type, you can build a website.
All you need to do is have a content management system. This will allow you to type, add pictures, videos, and any other data you want to add very simply.
WordPress is the CMS you will be using. There is no need to have knowledge of coding or HTML.
We will be able to teach you how to do all of this. There are videos and lessons that will walk you through the process.
How you will gain traffic
Gaining traffic to your website is going to be the hardest part. But, we will show you exactly how to do this the right way.
The more visitors you have, the more money you will make.
People will be finding you through search engines, mostly Google. When you become ranked on the first page of search engines, you will have lots of visitors to your website.
You will learn how to use keywords on your website for people to find you. When someone types in those keywords into the search box, your website will show up.
Making money with your new job
There is no better income than passive income. That is exactly how you will make money.
When your website is up and running, you will be making money even when you are not online.
There are two ways you will be making money.
- Using ads on your website.
- Affiliate marketing products related to your interest.
The first way you will be making money is with ads on your website. All you need to do is register an account with Google Adsense, when someone clicks on that ad, you get paid.
The second way is by selling products through your website that you do not own.
You can learn about affiliate marketing here. What you do is have a special link to a product online, when someone clicks that link and purchases it, you receive a commission.
How you will be trained for a new job
Every job is going to have training and learning. This is no different than the crappy jobs that high school students usually have.
This, however, will be training that will be useful forever. Learning how to market online is perfect for the digital age.
There are lesson courses for you to follow. The lesson courses will put you on the correct path to succeed online. There is also a boot camp course that will teach you how to be successful online too.
Entrepreneur Course
Boot Camp Course
These courses are perfect for someone who is new to working online. There is a ton of valuable information for a beginner to follow. Following these lessons will lead to a business online.
The lessons are filled with daily tasks for you to follow and accomplish. The lessons will also have a video walkthrough that will show you the correct ways to do it.
I do not know about you, but I am a visual learner.
Support with your new job
The jobs that high school students usually have no support. They are run by a terrible boss who only pays minimum wage. That is very different from this.
The owners, Kyle and Carson are there to help you. If you have questions you can go directly to the owners.
Understand a lot of people ask them for help so their response takes about 24 hours.
The real support comes from Site Support.
Site Support is a team of experts who will help you with technical issues. All you need to do is fill out a question and within minutes your technical issue will be fixed.
There is also a Site Manager who will show you all the data related to your website.
Wealthy Affiliate Support
Also, you can get feedback on your website. This is great to make sure you are building a solid website that your visitors will enjoy.
There is also a Live Chat. Live Chat is great for getting quick responses to questions you have from other members of the community.
Other support and tools offered are:
- Websites and hosting
- Keyword Tool
- Rapid Writer
- Live Classes
- Webinars
- Live chat for quick answers
- website comments
- free website
- earn while you earn
- connect with other members
- site review
- 24/7 support
- Link Tracking
- Saved keyword lists
The bad of your new job
Every job is going to have a downside. But the difference between this and a crappy job you would normally take is that this is a business of your own. There is going to be a few negative things.
- Overwhelming – When you first start there is a lot of new information and you may feel overwhelmed.
- Emails – There is a lot of activity within the community and you will be notified. You can adjust the settings of the emails.
- Premium member – is not free. It offers a ton but costs $49.
There is not a ton of bad things about this service. You will be very happy you started.
Get started now
Jobs for high school students usually suck. This will be a lot more fun and you will love it.
You can get started for free which is the best part. All you need to do is create an account below.
Conclusion on Jobs for High School Students
Working online as a student may not earn you income immediately, but the income potential is endless and you get to work in your free time.
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This is a great site. I couldn’t agree with you more about all the “bad” job options there are out there. Best to create along your own interests or passion and make something fun out of it. I especially like the way you make creating your own affiliate site simple with just a few steps. It allows those ready to start a quick way to begin.
L, Sammy
Thanks, I love affiliate marketing as it can be done at your free time and the income also depends on how much work you put in.A reason to work more.I like online jobs for teens as it gives a chance to work from home.
This is a great article and I truly hope all high school kids get an opportunity to read this. This opportunity is too good to pass up, and I know it because I am already a member at Wealthy Affiliate. Trust me, this platform has the potential to make you a way better income than any McDonald’s or Wendy’s store ever could hope to offer you. I think the best part is that the community at Wealthy Affiliate is so willing t5o help out newcomers so you will never feel lost on your journey. Plus, this has the potential to make you money far beyond your high school years. Great article and good luck!
Thanks Ashley
I was lucky not to have to look for extra jobs when I was younger and the thought that teens have to go out to look for some low paying jobs for extra money is not fun.Sure it makes them responsible with money at a young age, but I feel the time for paper routes on a bike or flipping burgers for minimum wage will one day be history.
There are jobs teens can do online for extra money in the comfort of home and these jobs pays much more and can be done any time without a boss.