Sounds too good to be true? You can make a living, be your own boss, work your own hours at your own pace writing online.If you like to read and write, it`s good to know there are people out there looking for someone like you to write, proofread and edit and they will pay you good money for it.
If you do a google search, you will find there are many people making a full-time income online writing content.
You should be pretty good(but you don’t have to be Hemmingway) to make decent income writing content, but you can still make some money writing simple articles. So if you are new and just getting started, I suggest you start with simple articles first and see how it goes.
So How Do you Get Started To Make Money Writing online?
If you are new to this, it might sound daunting but it really is not, there are millions of websites all competing to have new content, some want to have new content daily/weekly for them to get fresh content to their readers. They need quantity and quality.
This is where you come in, they can not be able to produce contact that fast so they have to outsource.
To get started with content writing, register in outsourcing places which are all free to join,,, and many more which I'm sure you can find if you check in Google.
The way these sites work, after you sign up you bid for writing work that clients post.It`s quite easy, check the jobs, read the description what the client needs to be done and if you feel you are up to it, make a bid, the client then they will explain in details what they want.The fees and commissions vary so compare what works for you.
Prices vary, you will earn from $5 to $100 per article consisting of minimum 500 words.
Now what to write about will not be for you to decide, the client will tell you what he wants, children stories, beauty, health, dating.
You should bid on things you understand about, but you can still bid on subjects you do not understand as much then research about them on the internet, but this is time-consuming, you are being paid per article and you don’t want to spend the whole day doing research.
Editing And Proof Reading
Editing and proofreading jobs are also available online, you can proofread and edit content already written and be paid.
Editing jobs fetch the same amount, these will be content already written by other people but needs improving.
Make Money Writing Product Reviews Online
Another way to make money writing online is by starting your own blog and writing product reviews(read my other post) to understand how to write product reviews and how product reviews work.
Unlike being paid to write content for other people, starting your own blog and making money will take time before you can make any money. Click here to start your own blog for free.
If you decide to make money writing online and being paid to do so, you do not always have a choice what to write about, but when/if writing your own content for your own website, you are free to decide what to write about and when, here you can choose your strong points, write about things you are passionate about.
Making Money With Your Website
Another way to make money writing online is through your own website.You have a website up and running and you like writing quality content now what?
Writing quality content that people read, you can join affiliate programs and make money promoting products on your site.
Another way to earn money on your site is through Adsense.Now Adsense does not pay much but you will be able to earn pocket money as your audience grows.Adsense earnings may not be much, but Adsense is quite easy as you do not need to do much.
Making Money Writing Online might sound difficult but it is not, I'm sure if you can read this article, you can also write and make money writing articles online.This which you have just finished reading is an article too.You can do this.
You can make a full-time income online writing articles for your own blog or writing for others.If this sounds good, get started.
Need to know more how you can start your own blog? want to make money writing online but still unsure?leave me a message and l will get back to you.
wow, i didn´t know that i can write for others and get paid for that i really like that idea. i wiil improve my writing skill within my blog and then i will try to write for others.
i really like your post so i will check it to learns even more, nice work
Hi Saul
Thanks for stopping by, it`s true,you can be a freelancer and earn money doing it, infact you can earn very well if you write high quality content and can write and deliver on time.
I believe that one can really make a living by making money just writing online either free lance jobs or even building your own website and writing about your niche. I personally would prefer owning a website as now you have rights over the content which gives you a higher return on investment wouldn’t you say ?
Hello just wanted to say great information totally agree that you can make money online, and probably the least expensive business out there that you can start. Also saw that you promote Wealthy Affiliate that is a great way to learn how to build a successful online business.Keep up the good work.
Yes it’s totally possible to make a little money ( or a lot! ) online through your writing skills. I actually run 5 websites now for a living but I started out writing for iWriter online. It leans a little towards the publishers but if you can hold together a 1000 word article you can really make decent daily income! Great article – I hope it inspires many to write for a living online!
Thanks Chris,glad you started writing on im sure it gave you alot of practice.
You are so right with what you say. There is so much opportunity to earn money as a writer online. Just look at all the websites and content out there. Never before has there been so much of the written word available.
Some sites don’t pay much for the articles that you write, but if you can develop a good reputation for being a quality writer and a reliable source of content, then you can start to command higher prices.
Thank you for this informative post. I feel like I need to get out there and do some writing.
Thanks Roamy, interesting to find out a bit more about making money through writing for other people. I guess another benefit of this is that it is good practice if you are also trying to write content for you own website too. Plus you can probably make a bit of money faster doing it this way as it does take time to make money with your own website. However I suspect doing it for yourself is probably more lucrative in the long run.
So true,anyone who can write high quality content can start earning money writing for other people till their site starts making money.
Nice article. Like I always say, you can make money doing anything on the internet lol. You’re right, the need for good content is very high right now. So the need for writers has increased. Like you, I decided to start my own business. I struggled with writing at first, but got better the more and more I did it.
Great article. To be honest, I have never thought I would be making money online through writing articles for my own blog and many people can’t imagine it’s possible. I think writing content for your own blog is the best and the fastest way to make money. But it requires certain skills to be able to write high quality content that search engines would love to rank high. And you don’t need to worry whether you can create high quality content or not. Sure you can, but requires some patience and hard work.
Thanks Rufat, I think creating content is not a problem to most people, creating high-quality content regularly is.Another problem people have is impatience.
And as soon as content is not creating enough income,people start to question if it`s worth the effort.
Cheers Roamy
Hello Roamy,Very nice information! I didn’t know I could make money threw writing content. I just started in the making money online business and I have much to learn. Your website have been of great help! Just wanted to let you know that lol. I also chekked out the website you recommended for creating a website and I just started building a website through that since it’s free. Anyway… Are there any bad sides of the website you recommended?
I really enjoyed reading your blog post on making money writing online. I really enjoyed it. And absolutely as you assert you can make money writing articles. I still have articles up that earn me nice little pocket change. Even some stuff that’s been up since 2008. Just got an adsense check I never even expected for the payout amount.